Miner stats


Current Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
1h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
6h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
24h Average Hash Rate: 0.00 Sol/s
Last Hour Earnings: 0.00000000 Grimm
Last Day Earnings: 0.00000000 Grimm
Last 7 Days Earnings: 0.00000000 Grimm
Last 30 Days Earnings: 0.00000000 Grimm
Total shares accepted: 15,093,599
Invalid shares (24h): 0
Workers statistics

You have no separate workers defined.
You can add them with the following syntax: public_user_key.worker in your miner configuration.
Please use a maximum of 10 characters for the workers name.

Balance & Withdraw
ATTN. If you have trouble withdrawing coins from the pool, please configure the pool node in your wallet peers list: grimm.sunpool.top:10000

Available balance: 14,768.19106824 Grimm
Unconfirmed balance: 0.00000000 Grimm
Total paid: 207,551.64425997 Grimm
API LINK: [miner-balances]

To request a balance transfer to your personal wallet please provide your private key:

Your last 5 payments / requests
1. Time (R/S/C):
Sending address:
Receiving address:
Kernel ID:
Transfer fee:
/ /
207406.53437263 GRIMM
0.0001 GRIMM
2. Time (R/S/C):
Sending address:
Receiving address:
Kernel ID:
Transfer fee:
/ /
145.10988734 GRIMM
0.0001 GRIMM
Last 30 blocks you have shares on
Block Worker Time Distributed Share
2744778 YES2.06249999 GRIMM
2744777 YES2.06249999 GRIMM
2744773 YES4.12499999 GRIMM
2744771 YES4.30434782 GRIMM
2744770 YES4.36764705 GRIMM
2744768 YES5.17164179 GRIMM
2744767 YES5.25000000 GRIMM
2744765 YES5.33076923 GRIMM
2744763 YES5.91044776 GRIMM
2744760 YES5.18951612 GRIMM
2744758 YES6.62946428 GRIMM
2744756 YES5.94000000 GRIMM
2744752 YES5.35135135 GRIMM
2744750 YES6.87500000 GRIMM
2744748 YES7.61538461 GRIMM
2744746 YES6.18750000 GRIMM
2744742 YES6.71186440 GRIMM
2744738 YES9.00000000 GRIMM
2744736 YES8.64285714 GRIMM
2744733 YES9.28125000 GRIMM
2744731 YES10.24137931 GRIMM
2744729 YES11.04910714 GRIMM
2744726 YES9.81465517 GRIMM
2744724 YES8.87264150 GRIMM
2744721 YES7.25431034 GRIMM
2744720 YES8.10775862 GRIMM
2744719 YES7.51339285 GRIMM
2744717 YES7.13135593 GRIMM
2744715 YES7.58467741 GRIMM
2744714 YES7.98387096 GRIMM
EXPORT LINK: [miner-all-block-shares]

Your last 30 shares
No shares submitted in the last hour.

Copyright © 2019 SunPool | FreshMiner
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